Changes. Always changes. I have said that many times through the years, but this one, well, it’s the biggest one yet. As of last week, I am no longer working in the paper crafting industry, due to lay offs. For over 12 years I have been working for manufacturers, designing projects, taking photos, filming video tutorials, and more. I was published over 500 times nationally and internationally in print. 8 book and magazine covers. Became a contributing editor to Paper Crafts Magazine. Then I moved into designing the stamps, papers, and dies that I had been using for years. It has been my job, but my joy, my passion, sometimes my heartache. It has been where I have met my dearest friends. What a privilege it has all been!
Over the past few months, I have fully immersed myself in a new direction. Before I had only dabbled, but now, I know this is my next path. My next adventure. Surface pattern design is my next dream. Surface pattern design is the artwork you see on everything. From sheets to curtains. From dresses to gift wrap. It surrounds us. And it is a new challenge that has helped me find my spark of excitement and bring my creative energy back.
I have not shared much of my journey here, because honestly, I was afraid. Afraid to lose followers. That’s ridiculous. This is who I am. This is authentically me. And I am ok with me and where I am headed. My sweet friends and community on my instagram account have been so loving and supporting. They shared in my secret. In my dream. And their encouragement is why I am making the move to publicly share.
This is scary. So scary. Yet thrilling. Putting myself out there is not comfortable for me. But I am putting myself out there for my goals. I hope you will continue to follow along. I promise to share. To continue to post beautiful images. Thank you my friends.
To follow along this journey, I encourage you to follow me Sincerely Yours Kimberly on Instagram. You will see my work, how I work, learn more about my process, and be the first to know when I launch new products and designs.
What you are seeing in this post is the very first collection I have ever designed called,
Farmers Market Flowers. After taking an intense, online course on surface pattern design over the last couple of months, I am tackling this new dream, this new goal, this new brand, head on! It completely amazes me that I could create artwork like this! The entire process has been so very exciting and thrilling!
My ultimate goal is to have my artwork be licensed. Either by a fabric company, a paper company, or anyone who just loves what I have created.
To begin with, my work will be available for purchase in the
Spoonflower shop.
Spoonflower is an incredible shop full of fabrics designed by people from all over the world. If you can dream it up, it is probably there!
Spoonflower allows you to purchase fabric in 8x8 swatches, fat quarters, or yardage. You can also choose which fabric type you want as well. There are over 20 different types of fabrics!
Creating these mock-up images allows you and me to see how the designs look on fabric. Best part is, this past week, I got all my real fabric samples and now they are
ALL available for purchase!
When designing a collection, there are usually 2 color ways, or 2 different color palettes. Because I fell in love with a couple of the different results, I ended up with quite a few designs! This second cooler color way is called Farmers Market Flowers-Anemone.
This color way is called Farmers Market Flowers-Midday.
Again, you can get a good look at the fabrics. If you are not interested in purchasing fabrics, but love the designs. Spoonflower has a sister site called
The Roostery.
The Roostery has all of my designs put onto home decor items. Bedding, table wear, pillows, and more!
Thank you for all your support. So many of you have ordered already, and I mean it when I say that it means the world to me! Because it DOES! Each time I receive an order, it is a validation of my dreams. It is saying that you are spending your hard-earned dollars on something that I created from my heart and my mind. That is not lost on me. I know what a privilege each order is!
I hope that you will consider following me on
Sincerely Yours Kimberly on Instagram. I share so much there. The stories and inspiration behind my designs. It is a piece of my life and my heart. <3 p="">
Sincerely Yours,