I am thrilled to have this layout published in the Fall 2012 issue of Scrapbooking and Beyond!! Its one of my favorite layouts because of the background. Its actually all die cut! If you visit the Scrapbooking and Beyond website, they have all the instructions and an awesome photo of this for viewing! Click here ---> Wonderful Day.
thanks for stopping by!
Gratitude: Today I am thankful for a creative outlet. I love this hobby/job of mine. How lucky am I to get to play with paper and express myself?! Along with that comes the privilege of working with wonderful people in the industry and making some of my closest friends! Lucky girl. No, blessed girl!
Oh Kimberly this layout is just adorable. Love the patterned background, love the photo and love how all the colors coordinate to make a warm, but masculine layout. Awesome job!
Great layout. Such a cute picture of your Little Man.
Today I'm grateful that the elections are over and the political ads have come to a screeching halt.
This is a stunning layout. I love the background too! Congratulations!
I am grateful that you are willing to post your projects for all to see that want to so that we can learn new techniques. Thank you.
craftymom205 at yahoo dot com
Another neat layout, scrapbooking has taken such a different turn, hasn;t it...I love the "new" way, then how I used to do mine....grateful for a sunshiney day today!!
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