I have been scrapbooking again! This moment was begging to be scrapped. It was the first time that the little man held his new cousin. Frankly, it is the first time he ever held a baby! He was so sweet, gentle, and immediately protective. It was quite the moment.

I had to share the photo from the layout, they just never photograph well on the layouts. (that or its my hands that seem to shake now. lol)

The fun part about this layout was the title. I started by stamping onto burlap trim with paint. The corrugated letters were painted to change them from bright green. And the star was cut from patterned paper and a fabric brad, that had been distressed with ink was added to the center.
thanks for stopping by!
Supplies: Patterned paper-Simple Stories (Awesome), Stamps-Technique Tuesday (Simply You), Wood Flag-Jillibean Soup, Letters-Jillibean Soup, Trim-My Mind’s Eye (Sunshine Trim), Brad-Cosmo Cricket (Natural Elements), Paint-Martha Stewart, Adhesives-Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L (EZ Runner Permanent, 3D Foam Squares White SM)
Today I am thankful for my family (Dad, Mom, Sister, BIL, Nephew). People who love and support you no matter what. Who always pray for you and know you better than anyone. And now our family is growing with the addition of my nephew. Its amazing how love just keeps growing! Thank you family for always being there!!!
I am thankful for family.
craftymom205 at yahoo dot com
What a priceless picture. The Little Man really does look grown up holding his litte cousin. Today I'm thankful that the babies in my family have grown up healthy and strong and wonderful.
Love the layout and what a sweet picture...a treasure for sure!! LOve my family, too...what would we do without them??
oh...and I voted, too...love that pretty doily!!
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