Sunday, October 19, 2008

H&M Stamps!

I got a wonderful email from Heather Rollins yesterday asking me to join the H&M Stamps design team! I am thrilled and honored! Plus, I am proud to be supporting another MN girl!!
I can't wait to get working with the stamps and the rest of the team!
I have lots more news to share in the next few weeks, let's just say, I am going to be a busy girl! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! thanks for stopping by!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kim! Well deserved. And more news to come??? I can't wait to find out!

Carolyn King said...

Congratulations and congrats on SD too!!!
You are so very talented!!!


Tracey said...

Congratulations! That's awesome!!

Ink, paper and BLING! said...


I think you left us hanging by saying more news to come, now you know a girlfriend would never let you get away with that; just for hinting we would drag it out of ya!
Have a great day and celebrate you deserve it.

Julie said...

Hey Kim! Congrats on making the team! I love your artwork and I can't wait to work with you in the next few months. It is awesome that we are both from MN! I live just south of the Twin Cities, in Northfield.

I look forward to working with you very soon!

:) Julie

Deanna said...

Awesoem news Kimberly, can't wait to see what you do for them!

Niki Estes said...

Congratulations, Kim! I can't wait to see what you start making!

Anonymous said...

Yay, congrats! I'm so incredibly excited to start working with you! I saw some AMAZING stuff on your blog and I'm thrilled to see the stuff you'll create for H&M! Welcome aboard! :)

Kristie Larsen said...

congrats! cant wait to see your designs!!

Lynn Mercurio said...

This is so totally exciting for you! Congratulations...and how lucky they are to have you. :)

Laura (scrapnextras) said...

Congratulation! You will do awesome stuff with their stamps! I look forward to seeing your creations!

Regan said...

awesome news!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS KIM!! You are fantastic, I am sure they are flipping that they have you :)) LOVE the flocked BG of your cards girl! HAVE to try that!

Tammy Hershberger said...

Congrats, Kim! You rock!

Daphne said...

Congratulations, Kim!!
I need to go check out H&M Stamps. I am staring at a stamp right now thinking I should use it, but I'm afraid.

Jennifer Priest said...

Congrats!!!! You are so talented and a perfect fit!!

LeAnne said...

Well, you are a busy girl! Congratulations on your new you'll be even busier! Hey, your catalog is on it's way!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Your designs are awesome... it's no surprise.

Heather said...

Hey Kim! Welcome aboard H&M Stamps! You are so amazing and talented, we just had to have you. Hope you aren't TOO busy! LOL.

Lise Roy said...

I am very Happy for you!
You are so talented!!!!

Tracey Taylor said...

You are going to make a FAB addition to the team. Can't wait to hear more good news!! :)

Carol A. said...

How awesome Kim...Congrats!!! Can't wait to hear your next bit of news!!!

Terri said...

Congratulations! I look foward to seeing what you come up with for them.

Julia Aston said...

Congratulations! so glad to have you join us!

Tami said...

Congratulations, Kim!! You're one awesome designer and their lucky to have ya ;)

Charlene Austin said...

WOOOOOHOOOOO!! Congrats to you!!!!!! Heather is a total sweetheart and I am sure she is thrilled you agreed to the DT spot. I am so proud and I missed you all week! I will email soon to fill you in on the whole cruise thing!!

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